SWE Nominating Committee coordinates the elections and appointments for the Executive Board each Spring. Each year there are elected position. Elected officials then appoint several other positions. Please look at the descriptions of positions available and consider volunteering to serve.
Elected positions
- President/President Elect – provide leadership for the section
- Secretary – keep a record of the planning meetings
- Treasurer – keep track of the section’s money
Appointed Positions
- Advocacy Committee Chair – coordinates activities to champion the inclusion and success of women, present and prospective, in engineering and technology in Central Illinois
- Awards Committee Chair – coordinate the awarding & distributing of the section’s scholarship fund
- Bradley University Counselor – assist the SWE Student Section at Bradley University
- Communication Committee Chair – facilitate communication within the section and maintains the membership email database
- Membership Committee Chair – expand and nurture section’s membership
- Nominations Committee Chair – create ballot and coordinate section elections (*cannot run for an elected office while holding this position)
- Outreach Committee Chair – coordinate activities with students in grades K-12 to promote engineering
- Professional Development Committee Chair – coordinate professional development meetings
- Webmaster – maintain and update the section’s web page
- Work & Life Integration Committee Chair– coordinate Networking and Family events
- University of Illinois Counselor – assist the SWE Student Section at the University of Illinois